Research Project P17:
Structure from motion in poorly textured environments
Research Project Goal
Compute 3D structure of the scene (and/or camera motion depending
whether the motion information is available) from two images
of a poorly textured indoor scenes using line correspondences.
Contact the instructor for images or simply take two pictures of
an indoor poorly textures scene with many line segments (e.g.
corridors, entrance halls).
- Detect line segments in the image
- match line segments between two views
- formulate an optimization problem to compute the 3D positions of lines
(and/or camera motion) and intersections between them. This
in case of lines only general is an underconstrained problem
(i.e. the number of unknowns is greater then the number of measurements)
so some thought needs to be given to how to parameterize it.
- form co-planar hypothesis and build a wire-frame model of the scene
Research Project Status
student names here
Point of Contact
Jana Kosecka
Midterm Report
not yet submitted
Final Report
not yet submitted