Research Project P13:
Where Am I?
Research Project Goal
You are given a large database of sparsely sampled city street
views tagged by GPS location. Given a novel query view compute one
or two closest views from the database and the GPS coordinates of
the new query view.
Sample Data
Dataset of city street views tagged by GPS location
More details about the units of measurements and how to compute longitude
and latitude can be found at
For the calibration information contact the instructor.
- extract suitable features (points, lines, SIFT fetaures)
- implement image matching by finding the closest view from the
database (Simple voting might be your first choice, but
more sophisticated techniques are applicable here.)
- once the two closest views have been determined, compute the relative
between the query view and closest views using the epipolar
geometry and RANSAC and use triangulation to compute the GPS coordinates
of the query view
Challenges and Open Problems
image representation, which facilitates efficient matching
- robust computation of the epipolar geometry
- How would you tackle the problem of indexing the database if it
were comprised of the millions images of the whole city ?
Research Project Status
student names here
Point of Contact
Jana Kosecka
Midterm Report
not yet submitted
Final Report
not yet submitted