by Minoru Asada, Shoichi Noda, Sukoya Tawaratsumida, and Koh Hosoda
This paper presents a method of vision-based reinforcement learning
by which a robot learns to shoot a ball into a goal. We discuss
several issues in applying the reinforcement learning method to a
real robot with vision sensor by which the robot can obtain
information about the changes in an environment. First, we construct
a state space in terms of size, position, and orientation of a ball
and a goal in an image, and an action space is designed in terms of
the action commands to be sent to the left and right motors of a
mobile robot. This causes a "state-action deviation" problem in
constructing the state and action spaces that reflect the outputs
from physical sensors and actuators, respectively. To deal with this
issue, an action set is constructed in a way that one action
consists of a series of the same action primitive which is
successively executed until the current state changes. Next, to
speed up the learning time, a mechanism of Learning from Easy
Missions (or LEM) is implemented. LEM reduces the learning time
from exponential to almost linear order in the size of the state
space. The results of computer simulations and real robot
experiments are given.