We will be running a competition! On Monday, March 13, you (or a representative from your group) has to come to class with a laptop. We will give you a memory stick with several video streams, collected with a car driving on a nearby highway. Your task will be to write software to predict the traffic situation some fixed time period later, and produce guesses as to how the traffic situation will look like at this point in time. You will be given exactly 30 minutes to process all the data. The instructors will compare your results to the real traffic situation. The best-scoring teams will be given an opportunity to explain what they did in class.
Mon, Feb. 27, 23:59pm: Teams of up to three students sign up for the competition.
Mon, Mar. 6, 12:15pm: Results of Pre-Competition due (in lecture).
Mon, Mar. 13, 11:00am-11:30am: The Competition, McCullough 115. You have to be there with a laptop to process the data within 30 minutes.
Passing Requirements
To pass (thereby avoiding a falling grade), you have to show up the competition, successfully run your software, and produce results that the instructors deem to be "reasonable." We will contact you in case there are any questions. Notice that you have to pass the competition requirement in order to receive a passing grade in this class. You also have to turn in the results for the pre-competition, and a brief report on what you did for the pre-competition.We hope you try to win!!!!
And The Winners are...
Konstantin Davydov, Steve Goldman, and Subhash Patel. Congratulations! We are happy to announce that the winners won a laptop each, donated by Intel