Project P13:
Aligning Images of Flies
Project Goal
The aim of this project is to align images of insects. At
Oregon State University's Insect Identification for Environmental
Monitoring and Ecological Science Web site you can find images of
specific insects (click on 2004-01, and then Cal??). All of the CAL
specimens are from the Genus Calineuria, which is a kind of "stone
fly". You are asked to take images of the Genus Calineuria fly, and
write a computer vision program for aligning them reliably. Here are
two examples (click on the images to enlarge):
As a starting point for the type alignment techniques that should be
applied, check out this recent
This project will be carried out in collaboration with researchers from
Oregon State; point of contact there will be Prof. Tom Dietterich.
Project Scope To develop software for aligning
insects of a single species in photographs. This entails getting the
images, and implementing a simple template search for finding parts of
the insect. Then implement the correlated correspondence technique for
resolving the global alignment of the insect, providing for possible
occlusion of insect parts. The outcome should be a set of parameters
that specifies how a generic image of the insect has to be morphed to
generate the configuration within a specific image.
- Download the data, handlabel parts, identify a reference image
- develop template matcher for finding local parts (or maybe use SIFT features)
- develop probabilities for pairs of adjacent parts
- implement inference technique for aligning those pairs with a reference image of the insect
Project Status
Steve Chuang (stevechuang at gmail dot com),
Jessica Yuen (jyuen at stanford),
James Balfour (jbalfour at stanford),
Catherine Chang (catie at stanford)
Point of Contact
Sebastian Thrun
Midterm Report
not yet submited
Final Report
not yet submitted