The Midterm Exam
Material Covered
- Trucco Chapters 1-8 except for 5.4 and 5.5.
- Anything covered in class, all lecture notes
- Anything covered in the homework assignments
- Any additional paper, such as the paper by
D. Scharstein and R. Szeliski
Please note that my exams tend to be more thinking exams than
knowledge exams. I am more likely to ask questions that aren't
verbatim covered in the book or course materials than testing your
skill of finding and reciting a definition under time pressure. This
means the questions will inevitably go a little bit beyond the
material in the book. A good way to prepare is to think about how to
break the techinques in the book, what their shortcomings are, and so
Things to bring / not to bring
Open book, open notes, calculators are fine (though probably not needed).
But: no laptop, no cell phone, no wireless equipment, no drugs :)
Place and Time
Tue, Feb 8, 1:15-2:30pm, Gates B03 (we will start on time!)
Results The midterm has been graded (Feb 9,
2005). Here is the distribution, with 100 points max: