Course Announcements
Feb 17, 2005
Since there are no more homeworks to fret about right before the deadline,
Dan's evening hours have suddenly become very quiet. He is therefore
moving his hours to Mon/Thurs 10am-12pm in Gates 116.
Jan 26, 2005
A revised set of solutions has been posted for hw2, addressing
the fact that two solutions will be accepted for short answer question 2.1.
Jan 14, 2005
A new CA (the position formerly known as TA) has arrived to help
poor overwhelmed Hendrik... Dan
Morris will be joining the team; his office hours are posted on the staff page.
Dec 23, 2004
Check out the course Web page of the 2004 version of this course.
Dec 14, 2004
The course Web page is now available at http://cs223b.stanford.edu. The content will be updated in the weeks to come. Stay tuned!