Camera Calibration Software - A classic! Everyone interested in
camera calibration should know about that link. No image corner extraction
Reg Willson's Home Page at
CMU - A reference page on zoom lens modeling, calibration... Also
links to Tsai
code that he is maintaining. A very useful link to keep.
tclcalib - A tool for camera calibration - A collection of tools all wrapped up together in order to make internal camera calibration easy. Heikkila's internal camera model is the one used in this toolbox. Written by James Davies at Stanford.
A complete Calibration Toolkit with additional Computional Vision
tools - A great camera calibration software (with complete
documentation) for Linux that allows calibrating of single
cameras, and stereo systems. This software also contains various
other computational vision tools such as stereo matching, and 3D
shape computation. Written by Matthieu Personnaz at INRIA.
algorithm for automatic corner extraction - This page
describes an algorithm by Abramo Barbaresi to
automatically detect the complete set of corners in a
checkerboard image. This tool is useful for automatizing the
overall calibration procedure.
software (Sylvain Bougnoux) - Very powerful semi-automatic camera
calibration tool based on image point correspondence (also known as
self-calibration) - Designed at INRIA. Unfortunately, the software is
not freely available (or so it seems).
Vision Toolbox for matlab - A large collection of matlab routines
for machine vision applications, including camera calibration. I have
not tried this toolbox.
I try to keep updating this page regularly, as I discover new interesting pages related to the topic of camera calibration. However, the web is large and dynamic, and I rely on elementary search engines to find new links. Therefore, I encourage you to directly contribute with your (or someone else's) link by sending me an email at jean-yves.bouguet@intel.com. Thank you.